The cyber corps class of CVHS is having troubles with taking pictures. The "nerd" room is very small and stuffed with computers and equipment.
When the students need to take pictures for READ posters, the subject has to be 6 feet away from the green screen (in this case, a wall). It is very hard to have the subject 6 feet away with the proper lighting effects when the room is so small.
I am hoping to convince Mrs. Wood to let the cyber corps students use another room for their photography.
Some changes do have to be made, for everything. Everyone probally feels agreeable with that.
I think there are other things that should be fixed in the school before this issue but I completely understand that a new room could be needed.
Hey yeah, if you need a bigger room to do better work then you should get it. But I don't think it should be the school's top priority.
I agree with zac i think you should have to wait in line behind everyone else
You guys just need to be better at filming.
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